Giving Back
Investing here and now
for the future of our families and our community
DRDCF Grants over $52K of funding to support our local area
Media Release 2022 February 9
The Deep River and District Community Foundation (DRDCF) is proud to announce that it has provided over $52,000 in funding to organizations in the Deep River area in 2021.
These grants are made possible through generous donations the foundation received which were invested in endowment funds that earn interest throughout the year. The income generated from these endowment funds, plus other flow-through donations, provides the ongoing revenue to fund our grants to the community. Since 2002, DRDCF has granted over $500,000 to the local community.
The 2021 grants included:
Bernadette McCann House received $6,484.23 from ½ of the proceeds from the International Women's Day Event hosted by Carolyn Arnold owner of Maven Catering and her team of volunteers.
The Town of Deep River and Rotary Club of North Renfrew received an additional $5,000 from the Foundation for a total of over $13,000, for the construction of a timber-framed Gazebo near the Unity Playground to provide shade for children and families.
The Town of Deep River and The Deep River Yacht and Tennis Club received over $26,000 used for the DRYTC Hexagon kitchen and bar renovation to allow for club and public functions/rentals.
The Deep River Environmental Support Group received over $4,000.00 to pave an accessible walkway from the Marina Pier to the DRYTC.
The Deep River Library received almost $500 for Special Projects such as outdoor poetry posts and seed funds to start a "Library of Things".
North Renfrew Family Services (NRFS) received over $5,000 to support:
Travel costs for kids to do extracurricular activities
School costs for students
Wellness support for NRFS Staff impacted by Pandemic workload
General Operations
Scholarships/Bursaries for local Students
Queen’s University for Andrea Geiger in Bachelor of Commerce $1,000.00
Carleton University for Raphael Guerout in Engineering: Sustainable and Renewable Energy $1,000.00
The University of Waterloo for Gary Liu in Biomedical Engineering $1,000.00
Nipissing University for Noah Miller in Bachelor of Physical and Health Education $1,000.00
The DRDCF is a public foundation that benefits the community by providing funds to charities, local groups and organizations that are also registered under the Income Tax Act. It is one of more than 191 Community Foundations in Canada. The Foundation was established in 2002 and has the mandate to invest and manage charitable funds for projects, causes and other community organizations. Proceeds are distributed to meet the community’s greatest needs.
We invite you to follow the DRDCF website, Facebook or Instagram pages for up to date information on upcoming events, ways that you can support the community or apply for grants.
Stay tuned for information on International Women’s Day Events to be held on March 8th, 2022, as well as the Spring Grant cycle which will be opening soon!
Contact for more information or visit us on, FaceBook or Instagram #drdcommunityfoundation