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New DRDCF Community Emergency Fund

We need your help to prepare now!  Donate to help

Empowering Community Service Organizations that tirelessly serve our community to respond swiftly and effectively to significant events and emergencies outside the scope of established insurance and social safety nets.

The Deep River and District Community Foundation (DRDCF) launched the Community Emergency Fund (CEF) inspired by Dr. John Hilborn, Ms. Elizabeth Van Wagner, and Mr. Robert French. Their passion for building a "Sustainable North Renfrew Community" and providing support during times of crisis.

For those interested in contributing to this important cause and helping the community, there are several ways to donate:

  1. Online Donation: You can donate through the CanadaHelps webpage at the following link: Community Emergency Fund Donation

  2. E-Transfer: You can send your donation via e-transfer to,

  3. Cheque: If you prefer to donate by cheque, you can make it payable to DRDCF and mail it to the following address: PO Box 1171, Deep River, ON K0J 1P0.

It's heartening to hear that the campaign has already raised $10,000 towards its $150,000 goal. Your support can significantly impact the community's ability to respond to emergencies and provide assistance when needed.

Thank you for helping sustain the North Renfrew Community through your generosity!

🌟 Introducing the Deep River and District Community Foundation’s Community Emergency Fund 🌟

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Deep River and District Community Foundation’s Community Emergency Fund, a vital initiative to safeguard and support our community during times of crisis and unforeseen emergencies.

🤝 Its Mission: The heart of our community is its people, and when unexpected major or minor crises strike, we believe in lending a helping hand. The purpose of the Fund is simple yet profound: to empower Community Service organizations that tirelessly serve our community to respond swiftly and effectively to significant events and emergencies outside the scope of established insurance and social safety nets.

🌍 Major and Minor Crisis Events: The Deep River and District Community Foundation’s Community Emergency Fund is designed to be versatile. It's ready to respond to both Major and Minor crisis events:

  • Major Events: These are the substantial, urgent, and unforeseen challenges that can affect a significant portion of our community. Think of medical emergencies, fires, floods, or infrastructure loss.

  • Minor Events: Even smaller, unanticipated emergencies or needs can profoundly impact individual families or even a single person. Our Fund is here to make sure no one is left behind.

🔮 Unpredictable Yet Essential: We understand that these events are impossible to predict, and they're not expected to happen often. But when they do, we want to be ready. We know that they require financial support and a community-wide response. That's where we come in.

💰 Swift and Simple Support: Disruptions like these can demand significant levels of funding, and our Community Emergency Fund serves as a lifeline. We've created a mechanism that allows our Community Service Organizations to access the funds they need quickly and with minimal bureaucracy. This ensures that individuals, families, and organizations impacted by crises receive the help they need without delay.

🤗 How Can You Help? The strength of our community lies in unity. Your support can make a world of difference. Whether it's a one-time donation or a commitment to be part of our emergency response network, your involvement can help us build a safer and more resilient community.

💪 Together, we can weather any storm. Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to get involved with the Deep River and District Community Foundation’s Community Emergency Fund. Let's be ready to lend a helping hand when our neighbours need it most.

Thank you for being a vital part of our community.


Dianne Lemire, 

Chair, Deep River and District Community Foundation

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