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DRDCF Endowment Funds 

Investing now for a better future

Named Funds (and purpose)


  1. Mary Moore Ecological Fund—Established in 2008 by Mary Moore, this fund is FUND#110. Its focus is on local ecological projects, particularly those related to Grant Creek and the area.

  2. Jean and Bruce Bigham Student Activity Fund - Established in 2012 by Jean and Bruce Bigham. FUND#121. The focus is for any student extracurricular activities.

  3. W.G. (Bill) Cross Concert Piano Fund - Established in 2013 by W.G. (Bill) Cross. FUND#119. The focus is specifically for the care & maintenance of the Child’s Auditorium piano located at MHS.

  4. Laura Alice Cooper Memorial Fund - Established in 2013 in honour of Laura Alice Cooper. FUND#124. The focus is for NRFS Back-to-school & Summer Camp programs plus the Food Bank support.

  5. Ken and Margaret Cuthbert Family Fund - Established in 2017 in honour of Ken & Margaret Cuthbert and their family. FUND#125. The focus is for education, the environment and anything related to social services.

  6. Mary Jane and Bob Brown Memorial Fund - Established in 2008 in honour of Mary Jane & Bob Brown. FUND#117. The focus is for unrestricted use.

  7. Thomas “Tucker” Tennant Memorial Fund  - Established in 2017 in honour of Thomas Tennant. FUND#126. The focus is for sports/recreation as well as education. 

  8. Hinds Family Fund- Established in 2017 by the Hinds family. FUND#128. The focus is for health care, the environment and for education

  9. Beth and Ivan Ophel Memorial Fund - Established in 2017 in honour of Beth & Ivan Ophel. FUND#129. The focus is for outdoor recreational activities & appreciation of the natural environment.

  10. Milton Family Fund - Established in 2002 by the Milton Family. FUND#107. The focus is for the environment, the arts and cultural endeavours.

  11. Murphy Fund - Established in 2023 by Dianne & Jim Murphy.  FUND#132. The focus is 2-fold. It is for students living in the Head, Clara, Maria area, as well as HCM Community Initiatives.​

  12. WCCT Health Care Fund  - Established in 2024 by the WCCT organization. Fund#133 The purpose of the Fund will be to support the charitable purposes and activities of the Foundation and in particular, to:: a. Ongoing Support: Provide ongoing support to the Health Care Community Service Organizations serving our communities, specifically, but not limited to the following: Deep River and District Health, Four Seasons Lodge, North Renfrew Family Services, and North Renfrew Long Term Care Centre. and b. Annual Scholarships: Award up to two $5,000 Scholarships annually to deserving Mackenzie Community School students pursuing post-secondary programs in the healthcare field. 

Field of Interest Funds (and purpose)

  1. Environmental Legacy Fund - Established in 2002 by the Foundation. FUND#116. The focus is for environment-focused projects.

  2. Arts and Education Fund ( - Established in 2002 by the Foundation. FUND#113. The focus is for local arts or education initiatives.

  3. Community Fund - Established in 2002 by the Foundation. FUND#101. The focus is for unrestricted use

  4. International Women's Day Fund - Established in 2018 by Carolyn Arnold. FUND#130. The focus is for educational, economic, social & political equality for women.

  5. Original Six Hockey Fund - Established in 2007 by Bert Fleury. FUND#109. The focus is for all minor sports in the community.

  6. ​Deep River Area Health Care Fund  - Established in 2012 by David Thompson & Andrew White, in memory of Vic Thompson. FUND#122. The focus is for local health-related projects.

  7. Foundations Development Fund - Established in 2002 by the Foundation. FUND#112. The focus is for the support of the DRDCF Organization.

  8. Community Emergency Fund  - Established in 2023 by John Hilborn, Betty Van Wagner, & Bob French. FUND#131. The focus is on small and large crises/emergencies affecting the community. It is a quasi-endowment fund whereby some of the funds can be immediately accessed.

Designated or Agency Funds (designated organization)

  1. North Renfrew Family Services Fund  - Established in 2008. FUND#114. The focus is to support NRFS Activities & Projects.

  2. Library Endowment Fund - Established in 2012 by the Library. FUND#115. The focus is to support the W.B. Lewis Public Library & their initiatives.

  3. Four Seasons Conservancy Fund - Established in 2016 by the Four Seasons Conservancy. FUND#102. The focus is to support activities of the Four Seasons Conservancy.

Scholarship and Bursary Funds and its purpose)

  1. Order of the Eastern Star Bursary Fund - Established in 2012 by the local chapter. FUND#120. The Bursary is for graduating students that the OES chooses each year.

  2. Lorna Bourns Vocal Student Support Fund - Established in 2007 by Lorna Bourns. FUND#127. The Bursary is for young local vocal students)

  3. Elizabeth Hulbert Memorial Fund - Established in 2005 by Elizabeth Hulbert. FUND#105. The Bursary is for young persons’ pursuing studies in music.

  4. Deep River Science Academy Bursary Fund - Established in 2017 by the Academy & CNL. FUND#104. The Bursary is for students entering a Science, Technology, Engineering or Math degree program.  Provided through MHS at graduation.

  5. MHS Reunion Award Fund - Established in 2012 by the MHS Reunion Committee. FUND#108. The Bursary is for Mackenzie Community School students entering post-secondary education. Provided through MHS at graduation.



          Since your Donation will go into one of our Endowment Funds, it will continue to keep giving back year after year!! 

  • CASH - Such as actual cash, cheques, e-transfer, Canada Help, Paypal Giving​ > Donations over $20.00 get a Tax Receipt.

  • MONTHLY DONATIONS - Setting up a monthly donation is easy!! It multiplies your impact, is easier on your budget, & has greater impact for our Foundation! 

  • SECURITIES - Such as Stocks, Bonds, etc. > With a donation of securities or mutual funds, capital gains tax does not apply, allowing you to give more and avoid paying capital gains taxes. You get a Tax Receipt for the original current market value at donation time.

  • ​PROPERTY - The principal tax advantage is that it is possible for your estate to be tax-free if you donate an amount equal to all the tax owing to one or more charities. You may prefer your money going to a charity rather than into the coffers of the government.

  • ART - Donations of art offset the taxes on up to 100% of your income. These donations would also not be subject to capital gains.

  • INSURANCE - Donating a life insurance policy isn't subject to taxes, probate costs, or estate debts, & you can make a substantial contribution through relatively small monthly or yearly payments. At the same time, you'll be rewarded for your donation through charitable tax receipts.

  • CREATE YOUR OWN FUND - With a minimum of only $10K, you can create a Fund for an exciting family project or endow a fund in memory of a loved one. A business or company can honour a respected colleague. A club may want to invest for the future & have our organization take care of the details. Alumni that wish to endow a scholarship. Or a charitable organization might want to invest a surplus for the future.  


Deep River and District Community Foundation (DRDCF) has a proven track record to support & provide the best ways to donate and give back to your community for many years to come!!

Contact us today to find out more!!!

Happy Family
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