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WCCT Health Fund #133

Community Fund Highlight: The Deep River and District Community Foundation & the Weesoe Community
Communication Technologies (WCCT)
- Announce the Creation of the WCCT Health Care Fund #133 which has been created as part of WCCT’s commitment to contribute 10% of annual revenue to support area health care.
Since its inception eight years ago, WCCT has generously supported healthcare organizations in our community. By creating this fund, WCCT will continue to have a positive impact in our community for years to come.
The purpose of the Fund will be to support the charitable purposes and activities of the Foundation and in particular to:

a. Ongoing Support: Provide ongoing support to the Health Care Community
Service Organizations serving our communities, specifically, but not limited to the following: Deep River and District Health, Four Seasons Lodge, North Renfrew Family Services, and North Renfrew Long Term Care Centre.
b. Annual Scholarships: Award up to two $5,000 Scholarships annually to
deserving Mackenzie Community School students who are pursuing post-
secondary programs in the healthcare field. Recipients to be recommended by the Principal (or a designate).

The DRDCF has been in existence since 2002. It presently manages 27 Endowment Funds, with a total asset value of over $ 2M. The investment earnings are distributed yearly (via our Spring and Fall Grant Cycles) in support of deserving projects put forth by Service Organizations within our catchment area. Money available from the WCCT Health Care Fund will be distributed during our Fall Grant Cycle.

The DRDCF is honoured and delighted by the trust WCCT has placed in the Foundation. We are excited to be able to carry on the charitable work that WCCT has been doing for the past eight years!

To donate to any of our Funds, including this new one it is so very easy!!! You can do an e-transfer to or check out our Donation webpage for other ways to give back:
#donatenow #giveback #Grants #leavealegacy

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