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DRDCF announces Emergency Community Support Funding of up to $40,000 for the Upper Ottawa Valley

Sat May 23 2020 04:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
DRDCF announces Emergency Community Support Funding of up to $40,000 for the Upper Ottawa Valley
In addition to applying for a grant through the recently announced $40k Emergency Community Support Funding, registered charitable organizations serving people in the North Renfrew County area can now apply for grants through the Deep River and District Community Foundation (DRDCF) 2020 fall grant program. The application form is available on the Foundation’s website http://www.drdcf.ca/grants .
Application Launch
DRDCF announces Emergency Community Support Funding of up to $40,000 for the Upper Ottawa Valley
Vulnerable populations across Canada continue to be disproportionately affected by Covid-19. Marginalized groups, youth, children, and the elderly, essential workers, and newcomers are just some of the communities that are facing increased challenges right now.
Launched on May 19, 2020 the Government of Canada's new Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF) aims to provide additional and much-needed assistance to charities and non-profit organizations serving vulnerable populations. The Government of Canada is flowing funds through national networks, including Community Foundations of Canada (CFC), United Way Centraide Canada, and the Canadian Red Cross.
The Deep River and District Community Foundation (DRDCF) are proud to be working with CFC, United Way of Eastern Ontario and the Government of Canada to deliver funding in the Upper Ottawa Valley to ensure that our most vulnerable citizens are safe and healthy. Through the ECSF, the DRDCF will be investing an additional $40,000 toward local charities and qualified donees supporting vulnerable populations. There is no minimum grant requirement.
Applicants must be a registered charity or qualified donee, as defined by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Projects must:
- Serve one or more vulnerable populations in the Upper Ottawa Valley who have been affected by Covid-19
- Clearly address a pressing social inclusion or well-being need caused by Covid-19
- Be carried out in a short timeframe with a reasonable budget, before March 31, 2021
Projects must not:
- Be designed for fundraising purposes
- Generate profits
- Take place outside of Canada
Eligible expenditures include reasonable and essential expenditures to carry out the project. These include:
- Wages and benefits
- Professional fees
- Travel and accommodations
- Materials and supplies
- Printing and communication
- Equipment rental/lease/maintenance
- Administration costs
- Disability support for staff
Funds will be disbursed as soon as possible and on a rolling basis. Applications must be submitted by July 27, 2020.
We invite interested applicants to join one of the following instructional webinars hosted by Employment and Social Development Canada. These webinars are designed to help applicants navigate the application process and aid them in the decision of where to apply. To register for a webinar:
- How to apply for the Emergency Community Support Fund - May 25, 2020, 11:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Visit the Community Foundations of Canada website to learn more about the program and find out if your organization is eligible to apply, or apply now through CFC's national application portal.
- Application portal https://cfc-fcc.smapply.ca/prog/ECSF/
- Applicant Guide (PDF) https://www.communityfoundations.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/ECSF-Applicant-Guide-EN-May19.pdf
- Application Form https://www.communityfoundations.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/ECSF-ApplicationForm.pdf
- Government of Canada's new Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF) https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/emergency-community-support-fund.html
The Emergency Community Support Fund
Funded by
Find out more at www.drdcf.ca
Copyright © Deep River and District Community Foundation 2020. All rights reserved.
Our contact information is:
Deep River and District Community Foundation
P.O. Box 1171
Deep River, Ontario, K0J 1P0
Registered Charity Business Number: 862079258RR0001